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an orca at SeaWorld San Antonio with a collapsed dorsal fin

SeaWorld Wouldn’t Help Tilikum—Urge It to Help His Son Kyuquot

An early, miserable death in a concrete tank could be Kyuquot’s and other captive orcas’ fate—unless SeaWorld ends its decades of animal torment and empties its tanks.

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A trainer at SeaWorld and Corky the orca being forced to do tricks

50 Terrible Things SeaWorld Has Done Since Corky’s Capture 50 Years Ago

To reflect on the 50 years Corky has spent in captivity, we’re listing 50 awful things that have taken place at SeaWorld since her December 11, 1969, abduction.

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An orca with drilled teeth at seaworld

Here’s How Far SeaWorld Goes to Control Workers and Hide Animal Abuse

According to numerous scathing reports, every SeaWorld employee is forced to participate in the company’s conspiracy to keep its rampant abuse hidden from the public.

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is seaworld bad? learn about animals who have died there

11 Years Ago Today, SeaWorld Claimed the Life of Duncan the Dolphin

Shuffled from theme park to theme park, bred over and over, and held captive until his death: This is Duncan’s story.

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a dolphin leaping out of the open ocean

HISTORIC: TripAdvisor Denounces SeaWorld, Marine Mammal Captivity

The world’s largest travel site is once again taking a stand against animal abuse after working with PETA.

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Protester holding sign reading Tilikum died at age 35

Laid Off by SeaWorld? Help Animals—Be a Whistleblower

SeaWorld laid off 100 workers, and now PETA is asking these former employees to contact us with any information about animal suffering.

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an orca in a tiny tank at SeaWorld

BREAKING: Yet Another CEO Flees the Sinking Ship Known as SeaWorld

Ex–SeaWorld CEO Gustavo Antorcha called it quits after just seven months. Serge Rivera lasted less time than that. Will Interim CEO Marc Swanson do right by animals at long last?

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a confined dolphin at SeaWorld with a worn-down snout

PHOTOS: Dolphins at SeaWorld Orlando Seen With Open Wounds, Scars

After recent photos showed evidence of apparent federal Animal Welfare Act violations, we’re urging the USDA to investigate the “abusement” park immediately.

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a cartoon character with an evil grin cruelly surfing on two marine mammals as PETA's proposed Pokémon parody on what happens at SeaWorld, alongside a real-life picture of a SeaWorld trainer cruelly surfing on two dolphins

PETA’s Proposed Pokémon Parody Takes On SeaWorld

In “Pokémon: SeaWorld Edition,” stand on your Pokémon’s face, just like the real-life trainers at SeaWorld parks! Water-type Pokémon won’t know what hit them.

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orca leaping in the ocean © iStock.com/hanhanpeggy

Victory! United Airlines Grounds SeaWorld Ticket Sales

United Airlines confirmed that it has stopped selling SeaWorld tickets and removed all mentions of the park from its United Vacations website.

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