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  • dolphins

    PETA Exposes SeaWorld’s Sexual Abuse on Animals

  • An orca with drilled teeth at seaworld

    Another Day, Another SeaWorld Citation—Why Are Orcas Chewing Paint Chips?

  • Corky in front of a crowd at SeaWorld San Diego

    Decades of Suffering: Corky’s Life in Captivity

  • two dolphins confined at SeaWorld, one of whom has a worn-down snout

    SeaWorld Secretly Shipped 24 Dolphins to Abu Dhabi

  • PETA and Christopher von Uckermann protest for Corky the orca

    Corky’s Cause: Christopher von Uckermann Joins PETA to Call For Corky’s Freedom

  • An orca whale spyhopping in the wild

    How Many SeaWorld Partners Have Jumped Ship?

    © iStock.com/sethakan
  • Pictures from PETA's campaign to get AAA to cut ties with SeaWorld

    Help the Orcas—Urge Companies to Sever Their Ties With SeaWorld

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