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This morning, Baywatch icon Pamela Anderson spoke up for captive animals at SeaWorld’s online annual meeting. She submitted a question on behalf of PETA—which owns stock in the company in order to inform shareholders and propose policy changes—asking executives to listen to the tide of public opinion and build sea sanctuaries for captive marine mammals.

Pamela Anderson, a blond woman, holding a microphone in front of reporters.

The full text of her question for SeaWorld on behalf of PETA follows:

Hi. My name is Pamela Anderson, and I have a question on behalf of PETA. Today, Tilikum the orca and Szenja the polar bear are dead. Instead of enjoying his life in a vast ocean, Tilikum spent most of it relegated to a cramped tank, and Szenja never even set foot in the Arctic, where she belonged. The remaining animals at SeaWorld deserve better than to be used as living props.

Given the groundswell of opposition to keeping animals in captivity, this company must transform itself by creating sea sanctuaries, in which the animals can live in a more natural setting and without being exploited for entertainment. Innovation and transformation are the only options for keeping the company afloat. Why wait until the SeaWorld brand has lost most of its value before beginning this process?

This isn’t the first time that Anderson, a longtime PETA supporter, has campaigned against SeaWorld’s mistreatment of animals. In addition to speaking up for animals killed for their fur, animals abused on television sets, and animals used for food, the vegan beauty has long advocated for a better life for the animals held captive at the controversial parks. In 2015, she joined hundreds of PETA supporters in protesting the company’s plan to display even more orcas in concrete tanks, which marked the beginning of the end of SeaWorld’s sordid orca-breeding program.

Join Anderson—Stand Up for Animals Imprisoned at SeaWorld

In addition to boycotting the abusement park, you can do more to help the animals imprisoned at SeaWorld. Click the button below to ask the company to end all animal acts at its parks and to release the animals it holds captive to seaside sanctuaries.

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